Delete and undelete applications
In Good Grants, grant managers and applicants can delete applications. This step can be done via Applications for grant managers in the Manage workspace or Applications in the Apply workspace for applicants. Deleting applications is only a soft-delete, which means they can be undeleted if needed. To learn how to permanently delete applications see our guide: Permanent deletion of an application.
Delete an application
As a grant manager:
- In the Manage workspace, go to Applications
- Select the checkbox next to the application(s) you want to delete
- Open the Action drop-down
- Click Delete
As an applicant:
- In the Apply workspace, go to Applications
- Click the checkbox next to the application you'd like to remove
- Delete
Undelete an application
As a grant manager:
- From the Manage workspace, go to Applications
- Open the Current drop-down at the top of the page
- Click Deleted
- Select the checkbox next to the applicant you'd like to retrieve
- Click Undelete
As an applicant:
- In the Apply workspace, go to Applications
- Open the Current drop-down
- Select Deleted
- Click the checkbox next to the applicant you'd like to retrieve
- Click Undelete