'Possible issue' showing on some applications


In the Applications view of the Manage workspace, the text 'Possible issue' might display for a particular application/applications in the status column:

Possible issue in Status column

This 'Possible issue' alert is simply to bring your attention to the fact there may be an issue with an attachment(s) in the application, which may prevent the PDF being generated. This situation can occur if an attachment is corrupt or did not upload properly (if the internet connection dropped mid-way, for example).

How do I get rid of the message?

Open the application and click either View applicant PDF or View reviewer PDF to see if the PDF opens. If the PDF does open, there is no issue; click the Clear issue link to remove the message from the Health status
Health status indicator

If the PDF does not open or shows a broken page, then there is an issue with one or more attachments. To resolve this:

  1. Open the overflow menu (three dots) associated with the application
  2. Click Edit
  3. Locate the uploaded files and look for something out of the ordinary; the issue will usually be very clear, such as a broken image/thumbnail or a document without an icon 
    Tip: files may have been uploaded via the 'Attachments' tab or via single file upload fields.
  4. If an issue is found download the file by clicking the small download icon alongside the upload
  5. Delete the current file
  6. Re-upload the file again
  7. If the upload fails, then contact the applicant to upload another file
  8. Check the PDF again and clear the issue when resolved.

If you are unable to find the issue, please contact the Good Grants support team.

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