General settings


Good Grants offers a multitude of options in the Settings menu in the Manage workspace that allow you to customise the platform to fit your organisation's needs. 


Location: Settings > General > Account

In this area, you can:


Location: Settings > General > Languages

From this section, you can:

  • Choose the language(s) that your program will support; see: Add multiple languages  
    Important: should you choose to support multiple languages, translations will need to be added for all fields, chapters, content, etc. that you configure.
  • Select the formatting for dates in your account, ex. DD/MM/YYYY, MM/DD/YYYY
Note: activating multiple languages simultaneously is a feature of the Premium plan and above.


Location: Settings > Users > Registration

Here you can:

  • Choose whether to request explicit consent to cookies from users and edit the text associated with the agreement to terms and consent to receive correspondence from your program
    Important: you should consult your organization's legal team before making adjustments to these areas. For more information on compliance, see our guide: Data protection (GDPR) configuration options.
  • Toggle registration on and off
  • Allow for third party registration and authentication
    Note: some third party registration options, like WordPress, Drupal, and SSO are features of the Premium plan and above. 

To learn more, see our guide: Registration configuration.


Location: Settings > Applications > General

From this page you can:

  • Enable or disable the ability for applicants to make copies of their applications
  • Provide application PDFs for applicants to download of their submissions
  • Lock applications after an applicant has submitted them to prevent further editing
  • Enable Markdown for applicants
  • Set a maximum number of applications an applicant can create/submit in your active season


Location: Settings > Communications > Notifications

Configure the messages your users will receive from this area. To learn more, see our dedicated guide: Ultimate guide to notifications

Action flow

Location: Action flow > Settings

Create tasks for grant managers, applicants, and others to complete. For more information see: Action flow configuration.

Note: action flow is a feature of the Premium plan and above. 


Location: Settings > General > Seasons

Edit the name of an existing season, start a new draft or active season, and more. To explore the functionality of this section, check out our guide: Ultimate guide to seasons.


Location: Settings > General > Tags

Configure tags to better filter applications, move applications from one round of reviewing to another, give awards or certificates, plus other tasks. Learn more about tags here: Ultimate guide to tags.


Location: Settings > General > Theme

Apply branding elements--logos, colours, supporting graphics--that allow seamless integration between Good Grants and you organisation's website. Intro accounts can see their theming options here. Premium and Enterprise accounts can do the same here

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