Can applications be submitted into multiple categories?

The Good Grants platform is structured in a way that requires applicants to provide a name for their submission and select a category. The rest of the form is entirely dependent on your organisation's needs. Some programs, however, may wish for applications to be considered in multiple categories. Historically this has been done by copying an application and submitting that copy into the other category, but can now be accomplished using automated tagging of optionable fields. In this guide we'll cover how to configure those fields and set up your reviewing. 

Important: category-specific fields will not display based on the options selected in these optionable fields. If your needs vary from one category to another, we recommend using conditional fields to surface the relevant fields. 

Configure an auto-tagging field

The creation of an auto-tagging field is nearly identical to any other with one specific difference. To configure an auto-tagging field follow these steps: 

  1. In the Manage workspace, navigate to Applications
  2. Click Edit form and select your desired form if multiple have been configured
  3. Configure a new application field listing your program's categories using an optionable field type:
    • Checkbox list
    • Radio buttons
    • Drop-down list
  4. In the 'Options' section of the configuration tray, key in your categories list
    Tip: unless your program has a requirement for applications to have multiple categories selected, keep the Required checkbox in the 'Access' section of the configuration tray unticked. 
  5. Toggle on Auto-tag
    Auto-tag toggle on.png
  6. Specify your desired tag for each label
    Note: the Value associated with your field will be the tag created.
  7. Click Save when finished

Once this has been done, your program's applications will automatically be tagged with the additional categories an applicant has selected upon submission. To learn more about auto-tagging fields, see our dedicated guide: Automated tagging.

Reviewing applications with multiple selected categories

When allowing for applications to be "submitted" into multiple categories, your reviewing configuration will rely heavily on the use of tags. This will allow you to allocate submissions to the proper reviewers through the use of judging panels. If you're configuring reviewing for the first time, see our Recommended steps to start reviewing article for guidance on where to begin. 

  1. From the Manage workspace, go to Reviewing > Settings > Panels
  2. Click New panel and select your desired form if multiple have been configured
  3. Provide a name for your panel and choose your desired score set
    Note: this name is not shown to reviewers and can be named as granularly as you like to manage your program. 
  4. Under the 'Applications' heading, select your desired categories
  5. Select your category tag(s)
  6. In the 'Who' section, choose the role or individual reviewers who should evaluate the submissions
  7. Click Save when finished
  8. Repeat for additional categories as necessary

For more information on how to use tags, check out these guides:

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