Ultimate guide to user passwords


For users:

Reset your password

If you're having trouble signing in to Good Grants, resetting your password is easy and can be done in just a few simple steps. 

  1. Key in your email address or mobile number on the login page of your program
    Note: some programs may only accept email addresses.
  2. Click the Forgot password link on the next page that appears
  3. Follow the prompts and click Send

A confirmation message will appear when the reset request has been successfully submitted. Within minutes, a one-click login link will arrive in your email inbox. This link will expire after two hours and can only be used once.

If the message doesn't appear in the next few minutes, see the section below. 

Why haven't I received my 'Forgot password' email?

If you've forgotten your Good Grants password and requested a login link using the steps above, the resulting email or SMS message should appear quickly. In the event that the message hasn't arrived there are a few possible causes:

  • A spelling error in the email address or an incorrect mobile number were entered into the platform
  • The message has been routed to the junk or spam folder of your inbox
  • A firewall has prevented the message from being delivered

In the event that you've entered in the correct contact information and the message has not been sent to junk or spam, reach out to our friendly client success team here! We would be happy to help you in resetting your password. 

Important: to learn about regional regulations and limitations association with SMS, check out our dedicated guide: SMS limitations.

Once you've gained access to your account, click your name in the top right corner of the page and select Profile to assign your new 12-character password containing uppercase and lowercase letters, a number, and a symbol.

Note: if no new password is assigned, your previously created password is still applied to your account. The Forgot password link simply generates a magic link to your email that allows you to access the platform.

Change your login information

You can update your registration information, including your email address and password, at any time via your profile. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click your name in the top right corner of the page
  2. Select Profile
    Good Grants Profile link.png
  3. Make your desired adjustment(s)
  4. Click Save

For managers: 

Can I update user passwords? 

As a grant manager, you can update a user's login just so long as their email address or mobile number is not associated with another Good Grants account. For more information, see our User memberships: users registered in multiple accounts help article. 

To update a user's password, follow these steps:

  1. In the Manage workspace, go to Users
  2. Click the user's name
  3. Input a new 12-character password
  4. Save
Note: for security purposes, we recommend sending your user a password link in place of updating it yourself. To do so, see the next section: Can I send users a password link?

Can I send users a password link?

You can! To do so, you'll need to use our broadcast feature. 

  1. From the Manage workspace, navigate to Users
  2. Search for the user(s) that you'd like to send a password link to
    Tip: use the advanced search to filter to a role if you need to contact all users with a certain role. To send the reset to a single user, search for their email address.
  3. Click Broadcast
  4. Compose your message, including the {password_set_url} merge field
  5. Review + send 

After importing your reviewers, those users will need to be instructed to complete a password reset to log in for the first time. Reviewers can accomplish this either by following the steps listed in the Reset your password section above, or you can send those reviewers a login link as outlined below. 

If reviewing panels or assignments have been created:

  1. In the Manage workspace, navigate to Reviewing > Progress
  2. Select the desired score set from the Score set drop-down
  3. Click Broadcast
  4. Create your message, taking care to include the {password_set_url} merge field as well as instructions on how to update their password; see Change your login information
  5. Review + send

If you have not configured reviewing panels or assignments:

  1. From the Manage workspace, go to Users
  2. Open the Advanced search
  3. Set the Role filter to Reviewer
  4. Click Search
  5. After your search results are displayed, click Broadcast
  6. Create your message, taking care to include the {password_set_url} merge field as well as instructions on how to update their password; see Change your login information
  7. Review + send

The listed reviewers will receive a login link that will allow them to access the system and assign themselves a 12-character password that must include upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. 

Can I override the temporary authentication lock?

If a user attempts to log into the platform multiple times using incorrect credentials, they may be temporarily locked out of the platform. This lock is in place to prevent spam/bot activity and cannot be overridden. The user should simply wait 30 minutes and try to log in again. 

Password link expiry:

Password link type Explanation Expiry timeline 

Forgot password

When a user clicks Forgot password from an account's login page. 2 hours or 1 click, whichever comes first
Reset password When a user clicks Reset password from My Good Grants. 2 hours
Password set URL merge field When a user receives the {password_set_url} merge field in a broadcast email.  1 week
Invited user When a user is invited to an account and creates their profile. 1 year
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