Some applicants didn't get the six digit code. What should I do?


Depending on the email client (like Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail, etc) and settings (firewalls, security), the email containing the six digit security verification code might end up in the user's junk/spam mail or be trapped by a corporate firewall along the way.

Six digit code

There is no way to 'force' delivery of an email as a grant manager, but there are certain steps that can be taken to assist in the delivery. 

  • Have the user check their junk or spam folders or any social/promotional tabs that are configured in their inbox. Broadcasts and notifications from the Good Grants platform can occasionally be routed to these areas.
  • Mark the domain from which notifications and broadcasts are sent,, as allowed or safe listed.
Important: to learn about regional regulations and limitations association with SMS, check out our dedicated guide: SMS limitations
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