Configure a score set


In Good Grants, a score set controls which reviewing mode is being used and what your reviewers are able to interact with when evaluating applications. You must add at least one score set in order to configure reviewing. While every mode has different settings within the score set, some settings are common across all reviewing modes.

'Details' tab

Confidentiality agreement: the agreement is shown to reviewing upon first login only. If you require reviewers to sign one, you can choose the default template for a confidentiality agreement from the drop-down box. You can also create your own additional agreements in the Manage workspace via Settings > Content > Content blocks.

Role registration form: additional registration forms can be configured to allow public or registered users to complete specified user information to register for another role. Configure a form first and select it from the drop-down.

'Display' tab

Layout: controls whether application content is displayed in the default mixed style or with an emphasis on visual content. 

Note: the Visual content option will ignore scoring criteria alignment for video, image, and document files and simply be displayed in sequence in the right column. 

Field visibility: fields can be made visible or be hidden from reviewers based on your program's needs. For more information see: Show/hide fields for reviewing.

Order applications: control the order in which applications are presented to your reviewers. This order can be dictated by application ID (the order in which applications were created), by category, by application name, or randomised. 

List length default: choose the number of applications your reviewers see in their reviewing list view. This setting makes it easier for reviewers who have a lot of assigned applications to view everything at once. Options include 10, 25, 50, and 100 applications per page. 

Commenting: commenting module can be switched on for various modes.

Attachments: the display of attachments is on by default. This display can be switched off if not required.

Share scores: you must have at least one score set in place to enable sharing scores. Share scores is the option to display scores to some or all reviewers. You can learn more about sharing scores in our dedicated guide: Sharing scores and comments from reviewers.

Searchable fields: fields can be added to the search filter for any reviewing mode. By default, reviewers can only search by certain filters such as chapter, category, and status.

Slideshow: this option is best used for grants which have plenty of image and video attachments. The slideshow opens in a new tab and shows full size images and videos from each application. It can also be viewed in fullscreen mode.

Score matrix: provide reviewers with the option to see a pop-up of their list of assigned applications with a breakdown of scores per criterion.

Reviewing score matrix example.png

Note: the score matrix pop-up will display up to 200 total applications. 

Cover image: displays a logo or image with the score set for reviewers with concurrent score set assignments. 

Reviewing cover images example.png

Tip: to upload a cover image, save the score set and click back into it.

See detailed guides on configuring different reviewing modes:

Video overview

Note: this video does not display the updated abstention, conflict of interest, or commenting options. 

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