In configuring a Scoring score set for your program, you've likely seen the option to lock scores 5 minutes after completion.
This option allows you to prevent your reviewers from editing the scores they've applied to an application after five minutes. Once this time period has passed, your reviewers will be able to see the scores that they've assigned, but will not be able to alter them.
Note: if this option is selected after scoring has begun, you will need to recalculate the leaderboard (see: Leaderboard showing incorrect scores/decisions) to begin the 5 minute countdown for submitted scores.
Should you need to unlock a score for any reason, you can do so by following the steps below.
In the Manage workspace, go to Reviewing > Settings > Assignments
Locate the score that needs to be unlocked
Click the 3 dots to the left of your reviewer's name
Select Unlock scoring
Note: unlocking of scores cannot be done in bulk and must be done one entry at a time.