At Good Grants, we utilise a third-party application to help protect your program from robots, spammers, and scrapers. This is an important part of our security measures which cannot be switched off.
Occasionally this filter will label a legitimate user as suspicious and show the "I am not a robot" check, which looks like the below.
Upon clicking the "I'm not a robot" checkbox and completing the generated check, the system should allow you through.
What happens if I still can't access the platform?
If you are repeatedly seeing this screen or are unable to proceed past the check, please contact us by clicking the help icon at the bottom right of your screen when logged into Good Grants and include the following information:
- IP address
- Device information (i.e. Mac or PC, device maker, operating system, etc)
Browser information (i.e. Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc. as well as the version number)
All of the above can be provided easily by using and copying the generated link - A detailed explanation of the action being undertaken when the message appeared(Browsing through multiple applications quickly, clicking many times within a page, visiting multiple pages within Good Grants rapidly, etc)
- If the issue is recurring, how much time has passed since the last encounter
Any additional information that you can provide allows us to partner with the third-party solution to find a way to prevent interruptions moving forward.