Can I use Google Analytics?


You can use Google Analytics to track and report on your program's traffic. To do this you'll need to get a Google Analytics tracking ID by setting up a property in your Google Analytics account. If you don't already have a Google Analytics account there are some instructions on the Analytics Help page.

Once you have your tracking ID, you can paste it into Good Grants from the Manage workspace at Settings > General > Account.

Google Analytics tracking ID.png

Please note the Google Analytics tracking ID generally starts with 'G - ' followed by your tracking code. Be sure and click the Save button once you've finished. 

Note: Google Analytics 4 has replaced their Universal Analytics product. Read more here

What can I track in Google Analytics?

Note: if a user opts not to accept Analytics cookies during registration, their visit will not be reflected within your Google Analytics account.

Outside of what is available in Good Grants, Google Analytics can be used for additional data such as:

  • volume of visits, pageviews to your program
  • average session time, time spent per user
  • demographics, country of visit
  • technology eg. type of browser, devices used, desktop versus mobile, etc
  • comparisons over time-periods
  • real-time traffic etc

This is by no means an exhaustive list but gives an indication of what you can track through your Google Analytics account.

Useful links:
Get started with Google Analytics
Get help with Google Analytics


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