Tags in panels: 'Any of', 'All of', or 'None of'


Panels allow you to arrange which applications get reviewed, by whom, and during what time period. With tags, you can get even more specific.

In the panel, you can choose to pull in applications with 'Any of', 'All of', or 'None of' the tags you select. But what do these choices mean exactly? Let's take a look.

Tag selection in a panel
Note: the 'Tags' section seen above is only visible in the panel settings if you have tags created in your active season. Check Settings > General > Tags in the Manage workspace to edit your tag list.

Any of

The 'Any of' filter will let you isolate entries with one or more of the tag selections made.

Example: if the tags selections are Grand, Finalist, and Winner, and application with any one, any two or all three of those tags will be included.

All of

The 'All of' filter will require applications to be tagged with all the tag selections you make as opposed to just any of them. This option avoids having to retag applications with a combined tag.

Example: if the tags selections are Grand, Finalist, and Winner, an application must have all three of those tags to be included.

None of

The 'None of' filter will include all applications except those tagged with the tag selections.

Example: if the tags selections are Grand, Finalist, and Winner, any application with none of those tags will be included.
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