Add a user field


User fields added to an account appear on the registration form (on the home/login page) and can be viewed on the user's profile settings. These fields are also included in both user and application exports. To add a user field:

  1. In the Manage workspace, go to Settings > Users > Fields
  2. Select Add field
  3. Select the User field radio button and click Next
  4. Enter a field Label (seen by applicants)
  5. Add a Short title to help identify the field
    Tip: short titles are used by grant managers to identify the field within the platform. Applicants can also see a field's short title in a warning message when a required field is left empty, so make sure it's understandable.
  6. (Optional) Enter a Field order to control the order of fields
    Note: user fields will always appear after the default required registration fields.
  7. Choose the field type and configure any field specific options
  8. Choose whether the field applies to all seasons or just the active one; read more about User fields and seasons
  9. Select the roles the field applies to, selecting Read and Write to give access and Required if completing the field is mandatory
  10. Select Data protection options based on the nature of the data being collected; see: Data protection on fields
  11. Check the Available in advanced search box to add this field to the search filter in the Users section if present
  12. Click Save


  • Once saved, the field is immediately functional on the registration form.
  • The field is created for the currently selected season within Settings > Users > Fields.
  • Only required fields will display on step one of registration.
  • If a user had registered before a new field(s) was added, they will be prompted to complete the next time they log in.

Delete a field

If you find that you need to delete an existing user field, doing so is easy!

  1. From the Manage workspace, go to Settings > Applications > Fields
  2. Click Advanced in the search bar
  3. Set the Resource field to Users
  4. Hit Search
  5. Click the checkbox next to the field/fields you wish to remove
  6. Open the Action drop-down
  7. Choose Delete

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