Configure contributor fields


Contributor fields are useful when the same set of information is required for every contributor. These fields can be used to gather data such as a contributor's name, email address, title, and more. For example, if your applicants need to submit information for every member in their project, you can setup fields such as first & last name, designation, role, email, etc. The same set of fields will be shown for every member they add.

Note: contributor fields can only be added to a contributor tab.

Add a contributor field

Using the form editor

  1. In the Manage workspace, navigate to Applications and click Edit form
    Note: for accounts utilising multiple forms, select the form you wish to edit from the drop-down that appears.
  2. Ensure Configuration mode has been toggled On
    Configuration mode toggle
  3. Open your contributor-type tab
  4. Hover your cursor inside the white box
  5. Click the + to create a new field
    Add field in white contributor box
  6. Configure as desired using the panel that appears on the right side of the page 
  7. Save

Standard configuration

  1. From the Manage workspace, go to Settings > Applications > Fields
  2. Click Add field
  3. Choose the Contributor field radio button
  4. Click Next
  5. Give the field a Label (seen by applicants)
  6. Select a Tab (if more than one contributor tab is present)
  7. Enter a Field order to control the order of fields
  8. Choose the Field type and configure any field specific options
  9. Click Save

Delete a field

If you find that you need to delete an existing field, doing so is easy. Fields can be deleted from the Settings menu or directly from the form editor by following the steps outlined below. 

Settings menu

  1. From the Manage workspace, go to Settings > Applications > Fields
  2. If multiple forms are in use, choose your desired form from the drop-down at the top of the page
  3. Click the checkbox next to the field/fields you wish to remove
  4. Open the Action drop-down
  5. Choose Delete

Form editor

  1. In the Manage workspace, go to Applications
  2. Click Edit form--if multiple forms are in use, choose your desired form from the drop-down
  3. Locate the field you wish to remove and hover your cursor over it
  4. Click the settings icon that appears
  5. Choose Delete at the bottom of the configuration try that pops up

Video overview

Skip to the :49 mark to see how to configure contributor fields.

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