Utilising the reviewing fast start
The reviewing fast start is a new, powerful tool that allows you to simplify the initial setup of your program's reviewing by breaking into a few easy steps:
- Select your reviewing mode
- Create scoring criteria (for the Scoring reviewing mode only)
- Choose which applications need to be reviewed
- Select or invite your reviewers
- Configure or select a reviewing round
To get started with the reviewing fast start, open the Manage workspace and navigate to Reviewing > Manage and click Reviewing fast start. If your program has multiple forms configured, a drop-down will appear for you to choose your desired form.
The first step of the fast start is to select which reviewing mode you'd like to use. The options available to you are: Qualifying, Top pick, Scoring, Voting, and Gallery. To learn more about these reviewing modes and how they work, see our guide: Understanding reviewing modes.
Once the reviewing mode has been selected, you'll be prompted to provide a name for your reviewing stage. This naming convention will apply to the panels, score sets, and rounds that are configured during this process.
You can rename your judging panels, score sets, and rounds at any time via Reviewing > Settings in the Manage workspace by clicking on your desired option in the navigation.
If you've opted for Scoring reviewing, your next step is creating your scoring criteria. These are the numerical scoring devices that your reviewers will use to evaluate the entries they will be assigned. You can learn more about scoring criteria here: Scoring criteria.
When using the reviewing fast start, you can configure the label, maximum score, and minimum score directly from the view provided. If you'd like to set a custom increment and/or weight, click the Advanced link as shown below.
Multiple scoring criteria can be created from this view. To adjust an existing criteria, click on its label. Further customisation of the scoring criteria, such as aligning it to a specific field, editing the control, or adding hint/help text for your reviewers, can be done via Reviewing > Settings > Scoring criteria in the Manage workspace.
Selecting the applications that are to be evaluated using your created score set and scoring criteria is as easy as clicking your desired checkboxes. Simply select the categories, chapters, and/or tags that you'd like to be evaluated. For more information on how tagging can be used to configure your reviewing stage, check out these guides: Using tags in your reviewing configuration and Tags in Panels: Any, All, or None.
When choosing which reviewers should be included in your reviewing stage, you have three options:
Any users with a role
This allows you to blanket assign all users with a specific role or roles to your reviewing. -
Invited reviewers
Using the provided advanced search, filter to a role and then select only your desired users to participate in the reviewing. -
Adding reviewers
You can invite new reviewers to the platform by listing their email addresses in the provided field.
From this page you can also select the Add myself to the panel checkbox. This allows you to test your reviewing configuration.
For addition resources and information on adding reviewers to your program, see our guide: Adding reviewers.
Select which reviewing round this configuration should occur within. If no reviewing round has been configured or you'd like to set up a new round, simply click New reviewing round.
You can learn more about reviewing rounds here: Round configuration.
Once you've finalised your setup, click Finish to save. When the setup has been completed, click the Manage reviewing button to navigate to your reviewing dashboard.
- You can move between your completed steps of the Reviewing fast start by clicking their titles in the progress map prior to clicking Finish.
- By default, the name applied to your reviewing stage's score set will be the reviewing mode you've selected, i.e. Scoring 1, or Qualifying 2. To update this or any other step of the reviewing process configured using the fast start go to Reviewing > Settings and choose the proper area.
- If the Any users with a role option is selected in the 'Reviewers' step of the fast start, the platform will apply the required reviewing permissions to the selected roles if they don't already exist.
Note: this does not apply to the guest role.
Video overview
This video shows menu navigation that has since changed.