What are 'stray' scores?
A score is considered stray when the connection between an application and a reviewer is broken after the reviewer has scored the application.
A 'broken connection' is most easily visible in the Manage workspace under Reviewing > Settings > Assignments. To view only your stray scores, click Advanced in the search bar and then set the Method filter to Stray.
Stray scores can occur for the following reasons:
- reviewer(s) is/are removed from a panel
- application is deleted
- reviewer role removed has been from user(s)
- application status changed from submitted to 'Resubmission required' or returned to 'In progress'; see: Application resubmission or Revert to in progress
The application could have been originally assigned through a panel or a manual assignment and then removed. Since the system does not delete any data, the scores are marked as stray. These are no longer included in the leaderboard and exports.
If you wish to retrieve these stray scores, you will need to retrace your steps; i.e. add the reviewer back to the panel, create a manual assignment, mark the application as submitted, and/or add the role back to the reviewer.