Logo specifications for the Intro plan

Note: this article refers to logo specifications for the Intro plan only. For those with a Premium or Enterprise subscription, check out the Theme configuration guide article.

Your logos can be uploaded in the Manage workspace by going to Settings > General > Theme. Recommended image sizes are below, with measurements in pixels. Images can be JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF.

Home: registration/login page

Where: program login page
  Width (px) Height (px) System treatment
Home logo (desktop): 700 250 Does not scale, displayed at size of upload.
  Note: the home logo image can be designed as a banner running the full width of the screen (i.e. W:1920px), however the 'logo' etc should remain in the recommended safe area (700px) to avoid cropping on smaller screens.  
Home logo (mobile):  400    250

Header: applicant/reviewer home page

Where: in the Apply and Review workspaces under Applications
  Width (px) Height (px) System treatment
Header logo (desktop): 700  250 Does not scale, displayed at size of upload. 
  Note: the home logo image can be designed as a banner running the full width of the screen (i.e. W:1920px), however the 'logo' etc should remain in the recommended safe area (700px) on the lefthand side to avoid cropping on smaller screens. The system will automatically apply 30px padding to the left margin of this asset. 
Header logo (mobile):  400 250 Does not scale, displayed at size of upload. 
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