Certificate and badge configuration

Certificates and badges allow you to recognise your program's participants for their submissions and/or highlight those that have submitted exemplary applications. 

Configure certificates

Certificates can be made available to your program's applicants to download two ways: via application tags and through action flow stages to acknowledge completion or nomination. To configure a certificate, follow these steps: 

  1. In the Manage workspace, go to Reviewing > Settings > Awards
  2. Click New award
  3. Create a title
    Note: this will be visible to applicants.
  4. Under 'Type' select the Certificate radio button
  5. If desired, apply any tags you would like to use to link this certificate to applications
    Example: if you have tagged shortlisted applications “shortlist”, you can create a shortlist certificate, apply the tag “shortlist” here to the certificate being configured. Only applications with this tag will then receive this certificate.
  6. Upload a header image and footer image (optional)
    • Recommended size is 1200 x 180px. The image is scaled proportionally to fill width of PDF (no margin is applied). 
    • Certificate content starts below the header image. With a tall footer image, content flows on top of the image.
    • Compose the content that you would like to have included in the certificate, using the relevant merge fields to pull in additional information (see below)
    • Click Save + preview to view the PDF certificate as the applicant would see it
    • Click Save and the certificate will be available for download by applicants who meet the criteria
  7. Add your desired Content employing the in-app text formatting, Markdown, and merge fields
  8. Click Save + preview when finished
Tip: you can send an email broadcast to notify applicants that their award is available for download; see: Ultimate guide to broadcasts.

Merge fields are pieces of data that allow you to dynamically display information from an application without having to create separate certificates for each applicant. Here are the available merge fields for certificates:

  • {account_name} - name of the program as seen in the app header at the top left of the screen
  • {category} - the category that the application was submitted under
  • {chapter} - the chapter the application was submitted under
  • {application_field:abcd123} - any application field for the season. The identifier after the colon is the eight character ‘slug’ of the field you want to display. You can find the slug by going to the field configuration and looking for the eight character identifier in the URL; see: What is a slug?
  • {application_name} - the title of the application
  • {first_name} - first name of the applicant
  • {last_name} - last name of the applicant
  • {today} - today’s date
Tip: merge fields used to pull in multi-line text fields or tables should be placed on a line of their own to allow for proper formatting. 
Award certificate configuration Award certificate example
Grant certificate composition example.png Grant certificate example.png

Configure badges

A badge can be created to highlight certain applications. For example, you might want to display your applications in a gallery and draw special attention to the "winners". Badges can be either text or an image if you have your own image you’d like to display on the applications.

For additional information on how badges can be applied to your program's reviewing stages, see the Badges in reviewing section of this guide. 

To configure a badge, follow these steps:

  1. From the Manage workspace, go to Reviewing > Settings > Awards
  2. Click New award
  3. Create a title
    Note: this will be visible to applicants.
  4. Under 'Type' select the Badge radio button 
  5. Add the tags you want the badge to apply to
    Note: an application must be tagged with the tag(s) added here in order for a badge to be applied.
  6. Choose how the badge will be displayed, Text or Image
  7. Select Applicant views if you wish to show the badge to applicants on Applications > My applications
  8. If the badge is limited to a score set or score sets, select Score sets views and choose the score set(s) the badge should apply to
  9. Add the Badge text (if Image badge has been selected, the text will be used as alt text used by screen readers for visually impaired users)
  10. Choose the Badge colour (for text badges) or add a Badge image (for image badges)
    Note: badge images may be .jpg, .jpeg, or .png files up to 100x100 px in size.
  11. Click Save


Applications view Applications view
Gallery view Galleries view


Applications view Badge in Applications view
Gallery view Badge in a gallery

Badges in reviewing 

With badges applied to your reviewing score sets, including Scoring and Qualifying reviewing modes, your reviewers have filtering options available. By simply clicking on the badge, reviewers can filter to view all applications with that badge applied. 

Clicking an application badge to filter

Reviewers are also able to filter by a specific badge by clicking Advanced in the search bar and selecting that badge from the Badge drop-down. 

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